Friday, November 16, 2007

Dinner with My Supervisor(s)


On October 30, 2007, my supervisor in NUS, Dr. Stephane Bressan, invited and treated us (Me, Syandra, Viny, Derry, and Tarmizi) to have dinner at the restaurant on Arab Street. Here are the pictures of the moment.
(Derry, Tarmizi, Dr.Bressan, Viny, and I)

(Syandra, Derry, Tarmizi, Dr.Bressan, Viny)

On November 14, 2007, one day after Malindo workshop held, Dr.Bressan invited and treated us again. This time, the dinner location is on Fifth Avenue, Thai Cuisine. At this moment, there is Mrs.Mirna, my thesis supervisor in University of Indonesia. She was here to attend the Malindo workshop and worked with Dr.Bressan for a week. Unfortunately, Derry and Tarmizi couldn't be here. Derry went to Malang to prepare her wedding and Tarmizi has gone back home.
(Bali, Mrs. Mirna, Dr. Bessan, Viny, and I)

(Syandra, Mrs. Mirna, Dr. Bessan, Viny, and I)


rabindra said...

Wah, mba Herika lagi di Singapore ya?
Eh, ada Bu Mirna juga. Pantesan beliau ga masuk seminggu, hehe..

MashiMaro said...

Eh... iya... lagi intern di Sg selama 3 bulan...
Ditawarin ama Bu Mirna..
Trus trus kuliah Bu Mirna libur dong?